Poor Tynen, stuck without us even knowing it.
I couldn't believe he even fit in it! He was not impressed when we ran to get the camera instead of getting him out!
Halcyon - def. signifying ideals of prosperity, bonhomie, joy, liberation, or tranquillity. This is a place where I can share my victories, defeats, excitement and Worries
Posted by Kristin.Fredriksen at 10:51 PM
LOL! WAy to go mom! It's so funny how we bloggers love to catch the moment. It is amazing though, how he fit in there so perfectly. Kids. They do the darnest things and get into the funniest places.
Kristin that is hilarious! And you are not a bad parent so shut it!! JK. Thanks for everything you did on Saturday it was so nice to have you and your fam down with us for Kinlee's birthday. You are always so helpful in getting things done too so THANK YOU!!! You're awesome! Love ya
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